Books Quotes by JESSAMYN WEST-1463899210

Fiction reveals truths that reality obscures.

Books Quotes by KENKO YOSHIDA-1463897439

To sit alone in the lamplight with a book spread out before you, and hold intimate converse with men of unseen generations - such is a pleasure beyond compare.

Books Quotes by AUTHOR UNKNOWN-1463896030

A good book on your shelf is a friend that turns its back on you and remains a friend.

boldness quotes by JONATHAN SWIFT-1463890091

He was a bold man that first eat an oyster.

body quotes by RANDOLPH NESSE AND GEORGE WILLIAMS-1463888830

The body is a bundle of careful compromises.

body quotes by BERNARD LE BOVIER DE FONTANELLE-1463887489

In vain we shall penetrate more and more deeply the secrets of the structure of the human body, we shall not dupe nature; we shall die as usual.

body quotes by HERMANN M. BIGGS-1463884441

The human body is the only machine for which there are no spare parts.

body quotes by HENRY DAVID THOREAU-1463856472

Good for the body is the work of the body, good for the soul the work of the soul, and good for either the work of the other.

body quotes by JOHN KENDRICK BANGS-1463855181

What fools indeed we morals areTo lavish care upon a Car,With ne'er a bit of time to seeAbout our own machinery!

body quotes by MARCEL PROUST-1463844756

It is in moments of illness that we are compelled to recognize that we live not alone but chained to a creature of a different kingdom, whole worlds apart, who has no knowledge of us and by whom it is impossible to make ourselves understood: our body.

body quotes by MARY QUANT-1463843415

A woman is as young as her knees.

body quotes by PABLO CASALS-1463841974

Man has made many machines, complex and cunning, but which of them indeed rivals the workings of his heart?

body quotes by BERTHA STUART DYMENT-1463796276

Yet this is health: To have a body functioning so perfectly that when its few simple needs are met it never calls attention to its own existence.

body quotes by AUTHOR UNKNOWN-1463724579

Sometimes your body is smarter than you are.

body quotes by MIGNON MCLAUGHLIN-1463723029

Flesh goes on pleasuring us, and humiliating us, right to the end.

body quotes by HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW-1463679913

If the mind, that rules the body, ever so far forgets itself as to trample on its slave, the slave is never generous enough to forgive the injury, but will rise and smite the oppressor.

body quotes by MIMI GUARNERI-1463678572

The heart is not simply suspended in a body but in a culture, a place, a time.

body quotes by J.M. BARRIE-1463677352

body quotes by MARTIN H. FISCHER-1463643345

Hormones, vitamines, stimulants and depressives are oils upon the creaky machinery of life. Principal item, however, is the machinery.

body quotes by THOMAS JEFFERSON-1463641942

If the body be feeble, the mind will not be strong.


The body too has its rights; and it will have them: they cannot be trampled on without peril. The body ought to be the soul's best friend. Many good men however have neglected to make it such: so it has become a fiend and has plagued them.

body quotes by SAMUEL BUTLER-1463639160

The body is but a pair of pincers set over a bellows and a stew pan and the whole fixed upon stilts.

body quotes by ALDOUS HUXLEY-1463635103

What we feel and think and are is to a great extent determined by the state of our ductless glands and viscera.

body quotes by FRANK GILLETTE BURGESS-1463633313

Our bodies are apt to be our autobiographies.

body quotes by WILLIAM OSLER-1463585189

Varicose veins are the result of an improper selection of grandparents.

body quotes by MARTHA GRAHAM-1463548664

body quotes by ALDOUS HUXLEY-1463547252

Man is an intelligence in servitude to his organs.


Some people have a foolish way of not minding, or pretending not to mind, what they eat. For my part, I mind my belly very studiously, and very carefully; for I look upon it, that he who does not mind his belly will hardly mind anything else.

body quotes by LLEWELYN POWERS-1463506883

A trembling in the bones may carry a more convincing testimony than the dry documented deductions of the brain.

body quotes by WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE-1463488677

Our bodies are our gardens - our wills are our gardeners.

body quotes by B.K.S. IYENGAR-1463467509

The body is your temple. Keep it pure and clean for the soul to reside in.

body quotes by MONTAIGNE-1463462042

Man is the sole animal whose nudity offends his own companions, and the only one who, in his natural actions, withdraws and hides himself from his own kind.

body quotes by IRENE CLAREMONT DE CASTILLEJO-1463460682

Emotion always has its roots in the unconscious and manifests itself in the body.

body quotes by ANTONIO PORCHIA-1463419166

Beyond my body my veins are invisible.

body quotes by JULIEN OFFROY DE LA METTRIE-1463417445

The human body is a machine which winds its own springs.


Why should a man's mind have been thrown into such close, sad, sensational, inexplicable relations with such a precarious object as his body?