breathing quotes by WILLIAM E. SIMON-1466268392

Freedom is strangely ephemeral. It is something like breathing; one only becomes acutely aware of its importance when one is choking.

breathing quotes by SYLVIA PLATH-1466266727

I took a deep breath and listened to the old bray of my heart: I am, I am, I am.

breathing quotes by NICEPHORUS THE SOLITARY-1466258353

You know that our breathing is the inhaling and exhaling of air. The organ that serves for this is the lungs that lie round the heart, so that the air passing through them thereby envelops the heart. Thus breathing is a natural way to the heart. And so, having collected your mind within you, lead it into the channel of breathing through which air reaches the heart and, together with this inhaled air, force your mind to descend into the heart and to remain there.

breathing quotes by AUTHOR UNKNOWN-1466256811

Focusing on the act of breathing clears the mind of all daily distractions and clears our energy enabling us to better connect with the Spirit within.

breathing quotes by JOHN KEATS-1466255150

To one who has been long in city pent,'Tis very sweet to look into the fairAnd open face of heaven, - to breathe a prayerFull in the smile of the blue firmament.

breathing quotes by PROVERB-1466239937

The nose is for breathing, the mouth is for eating.

breathing quotes by SANSKRIT PROVERB-1466235747

For breath is life, and if you breathe well you will live long on earth.

breathing quotes by AUTHOR UNKNOWN-1466234486

Breath is Spirit. The act of breathing is Living.

breathing quotes by THICH NHAT HANH-1466231628

breathing quotes by GIOVANNI PAPINI-1466230376

Breathing is the greatest pleasure in life.

breathing quotes by KRISHNAMACHARYA-1466228595

Inhale, and God approaches you. Hold the inhalation, and God remains with you. Exhale, and you approach God. Hold the exhalation, and surrender to God.

breathing quotes by ANDREA BOYDSTON-1466226822

If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.

breathing quotes by AUTHOR UNKNOWN-1466225078

A healthy mind has an easy breath.

breathing quotes by SVATMARAMA-1466216382

When the breath wanders the mind also is unsteady. But when the breath is calmed the mind too will be still, and the yogi achieves long life. Therefore, one should learn to control the breath.

bores quotes by AUTHOR UNKNOWN-1466186067

The worst thing about a bore is not that he won't stop talking, but that he won't let you stop listening.

bores quotes by AMBROSE BIERCE-1466183284

Bore, n. A person who talks when you wish him to listen.

bores quotes by HENRY FORD-1466182025

A bore is a fellow who opens his mouth and puts his feats in it.

bores quotes by JOHN UPDIKE-1466152679

One out of three hundred and twelve Americans is a bore... and a healthy male adult bore consumes each year one and a half times his own weight in other people's patience.

bores quotes by WILLIAM DEAN HOWELLS-1466148676

Some people can stay longer in an hour than others can in a week.

bores quotes by H.L. MENCKEN-1466139965

The capacity of human beings to bore one another seems to be vastly greater than that of any other animal.

bores quotes by BERT LESTON TAYLOR-1466137155

A bore is a man who, when you ask him how he is, tells you.

bores quotes by GERALD BRENAN-1466099512

Everyone is a bore to someone. That is unimportant. The thing to avoid is being a bore to oneself.

bores quotes by FRANK MOORE COLBY-1466096417

Every improvement in communication makes the bore more terrible.

bores quotes by JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL-1466088513

There is no bore we dread being left alone with so much as our own minds.

bores quotes by J.A. SPENDER-1466087004

We all denounce bores, but while we do so, let us remember that there is nobody who isn't a bore to somebody.

bores quotes by JULES RENARD-1466065301

Some people are so boring that they make you waste an entire day in five minutes.

Boredom Quotes by JULES RENARD-1465882732

I am never bored anywhere: being bored is an insult to oneself.

Boredom Quotes by NORMAN MAILER-1465881041

The war between being and nothingness is the underlying illness of the twentieth century. Boredom slays more of existence than war.

Boredom Quotes by EUGENE IONESCO-1465879330

Boredom flourishes too, when you feel safe. It's a symptom of security.

Boredom Quotes by LEO STEIN-1465877588

Boredom is an emptiness filled with insistence.

Boredom Quotes by BERTRAND RUSSELL-1465835641

Boredom is a vital problem for the moralist, since at least half the sins of mankind are caused by the fear of it.

Boredom Quotes by MIGNON MCLAUGHLIN-1465834391

Grasp your opportunities, no matter how poor your health;nothingis worse for your health than boredom.

Books Quotes by JEREMY COLLIER-1465830690

Books support us in our solitude and keep us from being a burden to ourselves.

Books Quotes by WILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE-1465798193

Books are delightful society. If you go into a room and find it full of books - even without taking them from the shelves they seem to speak to you, to bid you welcome.

Books Quotes by LOGAN PEARSALL SMITH-1465796963

This nice and subtle happiness of reading, this joy not chilled by age, this polite and unpunished vice, this selfish, serene life-long intoxication.

Books Quotes by LORD CHESTERFIELD-1465748850

I knew a gentleman who was so good a manager of his time that he would not even lose that small portion of it which the calls of nature obliged him to pass in the necessary-house; but gradually went through all the Latin poets in those moments.

Books Quotes by HOLBROOK JACKSON-1465744509

The time to read is any time: no apparatus, no appointment of time and place, is necessary. It is the only art which can be practised at any hour of the day or night, whenever the time and inclination comes, that is your time for reading; in joy or sorrow, health or illness.

bores quotes by LEMONY SNICKET-1465743276

Labor Day is a holiday honoring those who work for a living. Laborious Day is a lesser known holiday honoring those who cannot stop talking about their work.